"But Who Do You Say That I Am?" (Mark 8:29)

We are a lively, traditional Christian church that loves to confess the risen Jesus as Lord of all. We are historically orthodox in our doctrine, traditional in our liturgy and worship, evangelical in our zeal for the proclamation of the Gospel, and desire to be a community that reflects the loving and self-giving life of our Triune God.  

How We Worship

As people made in the image of God, we are created to worship and fellowship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

Jesus is God become man. He came in order to restore his people to their own humanity in union with him, by the resurrecting power of the Holy Spirit. As we come into God's presence with singing, praying together, hearing God's word, and eating the Lord's Supper, we are knit together with one another in love; and the image of God is reanimated, unbent, and remade in us. 

Therefore, we love to worship together. We enjoy using a Covenant Renewal Liturgy that is both congregationally active and shaped by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Also, we bring our children with us into worship, believing that because they were made to worship, they should be with us as we enter God's presence. They are given to us as models for approaching God (Matt. 18:3), so adults need children to teach us as much as children need adults to guide them.

You can read our STATEMENT ON WORSHIP here.



Trinity Covenant Church joyfully confesses the broad, historic creeds of the Christian Church—such as the Nicene Creed, Apostles’ Creed, and The Definition of Chalcedon—and seeks to be in fellowship with all our brothers and sisters that share in our common confession.  In addition, we have adopted The Westminster Confession of Faith as a guide to the faith of the historic church. We are a member church of the Communion of Reformed and Evangelical Churches (CREC) for accountability and worldwide fellowship. 



We live in an age were people have forgotten how to live in community. We believe that the Holy Spirit can and does restore us into communities that are knit together in love. Knowing that it is an uphill battle to build true community in Santa Cruz County, we are committed to living out the life of Christ with one another. Therefore, we seek to deal with sin and division with forgiveness and forbearance, and--with the help of the Spirit--to live with one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. We look for ways to bear one another's burdens and share the weight of our joys as a community.


Gospel Preaching

We believe that our county needs to hear the good news that Jesus Christ is God with us. That Jesus became a man like us in every way, yet without sin. That Jesus died on a Roman cross and was buried for three days and three nights before the Spirit of God raised him from the dead. That he now sits on the right hand of God as the King of kings and Lord of lords. That he makes intercession for us in our need. Finally, that Christ will return again, destroying that last enemy, death, confirming his promise to us of resurrection. From now till then, we believe the church is called to bring this good news to all creation.

We also believe that the declaration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not just what others need. It is also what we need. Continually. And so we want to faithfully search the scriptures and hear the good news about Jesus each week.

We are, therefore, committed to the declaration of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah and trust that it is the power of God to save both us and our county.


Leadership and Staff


  • Troy Martin, Pastor

  • Ron Myers, Parish Elder

  • Aaron Palmer, Parish Elder

  • Rory Odegaard, Deacon

  • Ben Alexander, Teaching Elder

Music Ministry

  • Jordan Brownlee

  • Chris Reno

Church Secretary

  • Hope Brownlee



The Martins
The Myers